The Crafy Scottie Logo

About The Crafty Scottie

All about us.

The Crafty Scottie

The workshop

My name is George Fyfe. I am a retired seventy – something gentleman having had a career in electronic engineering and lecturing. My main pastime over many years has been walking the hills and mountains in beautiful Scotland. However, having had three hip replacement operations in recent years, this has been curtailed to a large degree. I have therefore reverted to another of my hobbies, crafting with wood, utilising skills I learned from my father many, many years ago.

Scottie sign on the workshop

My workshop is my Garden Shed with the Garage doubling as the “paint shop”. The inspiration for the Scottie dog designs comes from the family pets, Leo, Mac and Archie who have accompanied us on our sojourns over the hills many times.


© The Crafty Scottie.